Wednesday, December 17, 2008

No voiceover class tonight...what to do now?

I've had so many things going through my mind since Sunday's post...bills, family, classes, equipment, marketing, holidays... and I let too many days go by without giving my blog some love!

My husband's latest facebook fixation is his vision board application. He's been creating a vision board with things he loves and things he dreams of obtaining/attaining (like 6-pack abs!). I did a little reasearch into vision boards and found that they are part of the formula for "The Law of Attraction" and "The Secret." There are a whole lot of programs, books and coaches out there that will take your hard earned dough to guide you through goal-setting and envisioning what you want. I think a lot of it is purely greed-based (who really needs a Maseratti or a 45,000 square foot mansion?), but I do think it's a helpful exercise to spend some time focusing your dreams and goals, and then creating a visual representation of those goals.

So, that's what I'm going to do tonight in place of my voiceover class, which ended last week. There's a gap in my evening schedule, and I'm going to focus my energy on a vision board for my voiceover career. Hopefully I'll be able to do some more general visioning as well for other areas of my life that need some attention, like friends, spirituality and recreation. Tomorrow, I'm commited to posting my board so that you can see what I've envisioned, and I'll have a physical connection to my dreams of a voiceover career!

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